Dwi siela continuous tense

Present continuous tense adalah tenses atau bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan atau kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan oleh subjek. Present continuous tense ditandai dengan munculnya “to be” setelah subjek, kemudian diikuti dengan penambahan akhiran “–ing” dibelakang kata kerja asal (V1).

Contohnya : Nita is playing the violin in the concert. (Nita sedang bermain biola di konser itu).

Disamping itu, present continuous tense juga dipakai untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sifatnya sementara.

Contohnya : Manda is dancing now but she will take a rest soon. (Manda sedang menari sekarang, tapi dia akan segera beristirahat).

Oh ya temen-temen, dibawah ini adalah rumus atau pola kalimat Present Continuous Tense

+) Subject + to be + Ving + Object/Complement

-) Subject + to be + not + Ving + Object/Complement

?) to be + Subject + Ving + Object/Complement

1.I am . . . . . to Justin’s new song on the radio

a. Listening

b. Listened

c. Listen

d. Listens


2. My brother . . . . . at University of Indonesia

a. Are studying

b. Is studying

c. Was studying

d. Were studying


3. Liza and I . . . . . waiting for tom in the station.

a. Am not

b. Was not

c. Are not

d. Is not


4. Mr. Gideon is . . . . . his annual report now.

a. Typing

b. Type

c. Types

d. Being type


5. Kiki usually sits next to Ririn, but now she . . . . . next to Rima.

a. Sits

b. Sit

c. Is sitting

d. Was sitting


6. Ami : do you hear something?

    Kiki : Yes, somebody . . . . . at the distance.

a. Screams

b. Are screaming

c. Is screaming

d. Was screaming


7. I am not . . . . . video games right now.

a. Playing

b. Plays

c. Is playing

d. Don’t play


8. . . . . . listening to me right now?

a. Do you

b. Are you

c. Did you

d. Were you


9. The girl . . . . . at me.

a. Smile

b. Is smiling

c. Smiling

d. Is smiles


10. We are . . . . . soccer competition at the moment.

a. Watch

b. Watching

c. Watched

d. Not watch

Jawaban :

1A. Listening
2B. Is studying
3C. Are not
4A. Typing
5C. Is sitting
6C. Is screaming
7A. Playing
8B. Are you
9B. Is smiling
10B. Watchi



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