Dwi siela message a notice

Short message adalah functional text yang berfungsi sebagai penyampai informasi, perintah, atau pemberitahuan

Contoh message a notice

Example 1 (Memo)

Good afternoon father,
Today I will come home late because I must join the English extracurricular.

Selamat siang Ayah hari ini saya akan pulang telat karena saya harus mengikuti ektra kurikuler bahasa inggris.

Example 2 (Memo)

Dear ARYA,
I borrow your new motorcycle motor cycle at the moment to pick up my father at train station.
Your mother permitted. I promise that I will use it carefully. I will return it to you as soon as possible.

I’m sorry for not informing before because you were sleeping.

Your brother


Hay Arya,
Saya meminjam motor baru kamu pada saat ini untuk menjemput ayah saya di stasiun kereta api. Ibu kamu telah mengijinkan. Saya berjanji akan menggunakanya dengan hati-hati. Saya akan mengembalikanya segera.
Maaf tidak memeberi tahukan sebelumnya karena kamu sedang tidur.

Example 3 (SMS)

To: Bima
We will have an English test next week. You are very good at it. What about studying together at your houses at tomorrow? Please reply soon.

3:55 p.m

From: Gilang


Kepada: Bima
Kita aka nada tes bahasa inggris minggu depan. Kamu sangat baik dalam pelajaran itu. Bagaimana jika kita belajar bersama dirumah kamu besok? Mohon balas segera.

Contoh soal

1.To: Liz

 Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.


How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?
A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Relieved
D. Guilty
  Kunci jawaban D

2. Mom writes the text in order to …
A. apologize for not keeping the promise.
B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her.
C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting.
D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.
Kunci jawaban A

To: Wahyu

3.I remembered we played in the rain yesterday. Today, you are absent because of fever. Hope you get well soon and we could enjoy playing in the rain again.


. What is wrong with Wahyu?
   A. He played in the rain
   B. He is in hospital now
   C. He has a fever
   D. He is all right
Jawaban: C
4. Who didn't come to school?
    A. Ana
    B. Wahyu
    C. Father
    D. Teacher
Jawaban: B

5.To: Fina

Finally, you did it. You have excelled in your studies at Junior high school and have now been accepted by the best senior high school in your city. Your achievement proves that you are the best. Keep up the good work!


 From the text we know that ....
   A. Fina is the best student in her city
   B. Mira asks Fina to enroll at the  senior high school
   C. Fina did not pass the examination
   D. Fina will study at the best senior high school
Jawaban: D 6."Your achievement proves that you are the best." The underlined word means ....
   A. Development
   B. Success
   C. Assessment
   D. Process
Jawaban: B
7. Which of the following is true?
   A. Fina didn't pass the final exam
   B. Mira passed the final exam
   C. Fina has been accepted in the best senior high school
   D. Mira has been accepted in the best senior high school
Jawaban: C







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